Getting married in three weeks, best piece of advice from experience?Best piece of advice for future Marine wife?
Remember the Marines will always come first!
Do not give him grief, or think it's his fault when he comes to you and say.....';My CO says I have to ______ or Honey I'm sorry we can't go on vacation my leave was turned down.';
It is the military and what you may think is fair or just is not necessarily what they think is.
Be independent and learn to live on a budget. Make your own friends, and have things you like to do without him. It will help you greatly when deployments happen.Best piece of advice for future Marine wife?
My best advice for you is to keep busy. Get a job, volunteer anything to keep busy when you man is deployed of in training.
Do not sit by the phone driving yourself crazy waiting for him to call or write. A marriage to somebody in the military doing that does not last.
Expect to spend alot of time alone, and understand that his job to the government comes 1st. Before you, before his children, before his family. It sucks but it's the truth.
Make friends with other wives from his unit and get Information about key volunteers who are wives who help other wives in your situation.
Being a wife is not an easy thing and if you are young then it's even harder, Young like under 25. My experience as a Woman Marine and Marine Wife for over 10 years I have seen 80% of young wives don't last because of the long separations.
Im sorry to be such a downer but it's the hard truth about being with a Marine.
What I actually loved was the long separations. It sounds weird but like the saying goes. Absence makes the heart grow stronger, is exactly true. When he would be away i would miss him so much and when he come back it was like we were newlyweds again. I loved it.
Now he is around me 24-7 and driving me crazy LOL. My husband was severely injured in Iraq and medically discharged 3 months before his EAS which sucked. They should have just let him finish his 4 years out. Now it's more of a challenge for our little family since I have to take care of our 4 year old and take care of him, and work and take care of the house blah blah blah. Enough about my drama. haha
Be mentally strong and you can do it!!
Congrats and good luck
Girl me and you in the same boat..I'm marring a marine real soon too...I was about to ask the same question
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