Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What would be the best advice you could give...? a young couple starting their sex lives?

Hypothetically,what would you say if one of your friends would ask for advice?

Best answer gets rewarded =DWhat would be the best advice you could give...?
First off, I wouldn't give them ANY advice if they were like, 13. Except that they need to slow down, and play hide and seek or something. They better at least be in highschool...

Second, CONDOMS ARE YOUR FRIENDS. Places like Planned Parenthood give them out for free!

Third, I would tell them to seriously do some research on the net, or even go to a clinic of some kind and read some pamphlets or something. There is A LOT of details that people should know before trying to have sex. It is easier than many teens think to become pregnant. Not to mention STIs. They need to know the truth about stupid rumors (like I dunno...contraceptives being 100% affective all the time, withdrawal being reliable, etc.).

Fourth...Don't do anything you think you might regret someday.What would be the best advice you could give...?
I would first suggest that they read together the book ';The Act of Marriage'; by Tim and Beverly LaHaye (Zondervan Publishing House) so they can get the proper perspective sex is supposed to have in a marriage. Then, after they had openly discussed it, if they didn't want children right away, I would suggest that they see their family doctor to get advice on the means of contraception that would delay their having children until they were ready.

This assumes that they are married. If they aren't married, then they shouldn't be having sex because sex is intended to be an expression of love between a legally married couple. Playboy and Hollywood have perverted what it was intended to be and it isn't supposed to be like a neighborhood dog running around mating with all the other dogs in heat. My wife and I both were virgins on our wedding night and we have never regretted waiting until then to have sex all these 31 years later. If you aren't married and you have sex, then if you break up, you will have wasted yourself for nothing because the guy will only find another partner. You can't get back your virginity once it has been given up.
Long foreplay! Don't rush. Find out what is what your partner find sexy about you and keep that a life! So it wont be routine and boring after you get more familiar with each other! Be always clean and hygienic. look always your best for your partner. Don't take each other for granted! Respect and when you love each other don't be afraid to tell so, to each other! Don't be selfish! The most exciting part of the sex is, to feel that you giving pleasure to your partner. That your satisfying your partner!
Wear protection. You don't want to have a baby and you don't want any std's.

Other than that, I'd say have fun.

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