Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Please help. I am so nervous. 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

I am taking the Comprehensive Exam tomorrow morning. I have been studying for the test since Jan. I am already for the exam. However, I am so nervous. Please advice. Thank you.

A good night sleep would help alot. Although How can I get one? lol :)Please help. I am so nervous. 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
Find a comedy on tv and laugh. Before you go to bed go for a walk and clear your head. Set two alarm clocks. You will be fine.

I'll bet you dinner that you'll do great. If you win I'll take you to dinner.

If I win then you come to Toronto and buy me dinner. Deal?

P.S. We have 10 feet of snow so bring your snow shoes.Please help. I am so nervous. 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
Do not drink any caffine, get a good night's sleep, have a good breakfast, and do a quick study b4 bed.
ok so this is the best addvice for any test:

take the whole day off!! and reeeeeeeeeeeeeelax, whenever you feel nervious do 25 jumping jacks to get your heartbeat up... and when you feel like you did enought lie down on your bed. Keep your mind on something else; like watch your favorite channel/tv show. Also being with friends works really good too. Invite a couple friends over or go to the mall. The best way to get a good night rest is to watch Tv (2 movies) until you start yawning; then if you need to just fall asleep on the couch and tell someone to wake you up so you can go to your own bed; that way you will go straight to bed without thinking of anything because you'll be too tired. Remember that you have studied and you will do fine.... Being nervous is not going to help you; your destiny wont change so stop killing yourself.
No caffine before bed. Get in early to bed and do deep breathing exercises. You will be great tomorrow because you prepared for the test !!! Good Luck!
Drink some Chamomile Tea. It will help you to relax. You also might try some progressive relaxation techniques.

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