Set small goals, and when you achieve them reward yourself, something small and not related to food, like maybe a cute piece or jewelry,new clothes or something just for you like a massage or a night out. Keep a journal, that way you can see all of your accomplishments when you don't feel so great, as well as being able to see if something makes you slip up, like a food binge or too much drinking. I have always had success with these little things, I wish you all the best, take care.
ps.... sometimes a buddy helps too, if that's something that is available to you:)Im on a diet now with exercise in the gym what is the best advice you can give me to achieve my goal?
First off, realize that you should have a ';can do'; attitude. The hardest part of exercise is having to do it. Realize all of the benefits you will receive from exercise. (Stronger bones, stronger heart, faster metabolism, etc.) You will lose weight more easily and likely to keep it off. In fact, nothing wins over weight loss any faster then exercise. Sure, diet is important, especially if your losing weight. You need as much nutrition as possible while your losing weight so you feel more energetic and not as lethargic. Be sure you eat a balanced diet and go to and it will tell you everything you need to know about healthy food choices.
I wish the best for youIm on a diet now with exercise in the gym what is the best advice you can give me to achieve my goal?
I suggest that you try body cleansing. I tried it and really got lean quickly. I lost 15 pounds in 9 days and also 3 inches off my waist. I do body building so getting leaner was my goal. My sister did this program too and she lost a lot of weight quickly. I did not know too much about cleansing but there are a lot of TV commercials about this stuff. This is a body cleanse and not just a colon cleanse, I wanted my body to get lean quickly and this did the trick! You can get info or order it at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or online at
I would say, definitely keep working out. Dieting is good for some but you need a lot of self control. I don't diet but go to the gym three times a week and it's working really well.
Depending on what gym you go to, some offer free classes which are fun and motivating.
24 Hour Fitness and the Spectrum both have great classes for free like kickboxing and yoga.
hi there.. my name is Tony Elias.. and i lost over 31 kg in within 6 month.. i have a program which is really helped me out of my double size and everyone see me can't imagin how much weight i lost.. its a mazing just e-mail me to: and i will send u a copy of the program with pictures of me b4 and after and u jadge.. the point of helping everybody's out is me so happy and feeling so deferent and just want to share it with everyone in the world just for u to know that notthing u can't do! i support
people who want to do changes in their lives and i
trust u can.. i am free today at work so i have the whole time to send you my diet program.. dont forget to pic my answer to be the best one when u achive what i've done. GOOD LUCK!!
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