Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is the best advice you ever received?

Did you take it?What is the best advice you ever received?
My best friend lost her daughter. I went to her house, complaining about my husband for the millionth time in our friendship. She got mad and told me life was too short. Either I should leave him, or quit complaining because she didn't want to hear it anymore. It hurt me, but I listened. I told him I wanted a divorce within the week.

Now I'm with my perfect partner and so glad I went through the time/effort/trouble/pain to leave my ex. Now I really have true loveWhat is the best advice you ever received?
make sure you always check to see if he puts ';one'; on
to all ways do your best and i did take it.
The woman I love said ';eat me' and oh yes I took it! ;P
there is some of it:

love all, trust few

nothing is a wast of time if you use the experience wisely

wherever you go, go with all your heart
The best advice I have ever receieved was that I should help me before I try to help other people, because I am just important as everyone else. My sister/best friend told me that and yes I did take it.
Never take anyone else's advice. I did.
live for nothing, die for something
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
don't stick your hand in the deep fryer.
don`t spend money a lot..............now better after that........
3 things;

Anything worth having is worth fighting for.


When it comes to matters of the heart, the rules don't apply.


Love is all you need.
To hug someone and I did. I think I shouldn't tell. . .My Life Secrets.
Don't take candy from strangers!!!!!!
The best advice i was ever given was to be yourself and i did take it every once in a while ill be the outcast but its better than being someone else the next best advise was ';USE a condom'; lol. definitly took that advise
Learn to love yourself so you can love others.. I still havent done that.
To do list are never meant to be completed. I did took that advice and ran with it.
idk. i got lots of good advice.
dont eat the yellow snow/yes indeed.
If you have a crazy idea, share it.

Sometimes that crazy idea turns into a beautiful reality

with help from a few supportive friends.

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