Sunday, August 22, 2010

What would you consider the best advice you were ever given...and did you have the sense to take it?

if it can help some-one else out will you kindly share your story. thanks in advanceWhat would you consider the best advice you were ever given...and did you have the sense to take it?
Never say or do something to your children you wouldn't want said or done to your grandchildren...

Yes, I have taken the advice...What would you consider the best advice you were ever given...and did you have the sense to take it?
1) Remember that what YOU want is valid, and it's not selfish to make a choice that is different from what other people think you ';should'; do.

2) Save a little money every month; even if it's only $10 or $20. It DOES mount up over time.

3) Things have a way of working out.
Let God be the man in my life. Yes I did take it and my life is complete. God doesn't lie to me, he doesn't cheat on me, he doesn't abuse me mentally or physically. He truly loves me. I prayed for God to bring the right man into my life, went to church about 2weeks later, the pastor prayed for me and this is what he said God said. I believed him because there was no way that this pastor could have known what I had prayed about. God spoke to him by the Holy Spirit.
';I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church';

-Thomas Paine
';Turn from your sins and receive Jesus as your Lord.';

I did and I am glad that I did because God gave me His Spirit and eternal life here and now.
Do do what feels right and makes the most sense.
Take everything with a grain of salt... and I do!
do not judge on people based on what you hear.............make sure you see .

iam trying my best to implement
don't trust a man who doens't smoke or drink
Even though my Dad and I had our problems, I would say he probably gave me the most good advice. Here are just a couple:

1) It's ok to make a mistake so long as you learn from it and don't repeat it.

2) Live your life to the fullest of your capabilities. The day will come when you are sitting in that proverbial rocking chair reflecting back on your life. If you have a smile on your face you did well. Anything less than a smile means you could have done better.

I just have to throw this one in. It doesn't come from my dad, but rather Yogi Berra....When you come to the fork in the road....take it!!
Follow your gut
To accept Christ in my life!!! #1 question?

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