Thursday, August 19, 2010

Advice on getting the best Gas Mileage?

I have a 96 Mazda B4000 truck - want to go from Maine to New jersey and am curious about gas mileage - At what speed do I drive on the highway to get the most out of my buck?

Also anyone know a good site to get the current gas prices between here and there?

Any advice would be great!! I just had a oil change and all that, wasn't sure if that made a difference - have good tires, too.

Thank you!Advice on getting the best Gas Mileage?
1. Make sure you have a clean air filter. A dirty or clogged air filter causes your engine to run very innefficiently.

2. Check your tire pressure while the tires are cold the morning before you leave. Tires that are low causes increased rolling resistance. It wouldn't even hurt to Increase them to the maximum pressure on the sidewall instead of what's listed on the door. The pressure listed on the door is for ride comfort and handling. Just remember not to fill them to a pressure higher than what's listed. NEVER UNDERINFLATE TIRES. The tires are more likely to get over heated and blow up. It sounds wrong but it's true.

3. When's the last time your trans fluid, differential fluid, and power steering fluid was changed? As oil gets older and breaks down it's viscosity increases (gets thicker), robbing you of fuel efficeincy. And yes, changing your oil not only gives you better mileage, but it also gives you more power. Besides, having a properly maintained truck gives you piece of mind.

4. Don't carry extra weight. Take out the golf clubs and bowling balls. All that extra weight uses more fuel during accelleration and maintaing speed.

5. When accellerating do it slowly and keep your speed as constant as possible. Drive as close to the posted speed limit as possible. You get the best mileage in the highest gear when you engine is not under a heavy load(not having to push down much on the gas pedal to maintain speed). Speeding KILLS gas mileage. That is what they mean when they say speed kills isn't it? ha ha.

6.Go to and check your route. Click on the prices and it'll tell you the name of the station.

7. Drive at night when there isn't a lot of traffic. Less speeding up and slowing down saves gas.

8. Last but not least, drive safely.Advice on getting the best Gas Mileage?
Avoid hard acceleration and braking, and keep your speed between 60-70mph (preferably on cruise control so your car just sips enough gas).

Make sure your tires are properly inflated and, at that speed, turning on the a/c burns less gas than rolling your windows down.
For gas prices check for good deals between Maine and New Jersey. Also make sure all your tires are well-inflated or between 30-35PSI. Use the Cruise Control, avoid excessive breaking and taking off, drive between 60-70MPH. Do service maintenance and check your air filter, gas filter, make sure you have enough fluids and put some fuel injeector carburator cleaner in your gas tank to help maintain optimum engine efficiency.

Have a safe trip.
Go at about the speed limit would be good, but not above.

Make certain tire pressures are good.

Good gas price site is
Use your cruise control if you have it, drive at about 50 mph at a steady pace on the highway. Change the Air Filter and fuel filters before you go. Check the air in your tires and during the trip. Leave them a little under, say 30 lbs if it says 32 lbs. They will build up heat and pressure in long distance driving. Good Luck

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